Food Basket Campaign

Food Basket Campaign
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Food Basket Campaign

Food Basket Campaign

The Food Basket Campaign aims to provide urgent humanitarian support to needy families suffering from harsh living conditions. These baskets contain the basic food items that families need to meet their daily requirements for healthy and nutritious food.

In light of the deteriorating economic conditions, many families are unable to secure their daily bread. This campaign strives to feed the hungry and alleviate their suffering from poverty, especially in areas lacking basic resources.

Your donation to the Food Basket Campaign could be the reason a family gets fed and joy is brought to their hearts. Join us in delivering goodness to those who need it and be part of this humanitarian effort that seeks to ease the suffering of the most vulnerable.

شارك الحملة على وسائل التواصل

You can donate within Turkey via bank transfer in Turkish lira. After completing the donation, please send the campaign name or a screenshot to the contact number provided at the bottom of the website.

Bank Name

Ziraat Bank

Account Name

Acil Müdahele Ekibi Derneği

IBAN Number

TR07 0020 90000 108 4620 0000 01

للتبرع عبر شام كاش

معرّف الحساب
