

Humanitarian and medical cases include modest individuals and families suffering from extreme poverty, food insecurity, or urgent health and medical needs, requiring immediate response to alleviate suffering and uphold human dignity.

Case Category

Uncle Abu Alaa is at risk of blindness.

Uncle Abo Alaa is threatened with blindness – "If I lose my sight, I will be paralyzed on the ground, and I need to feed my children and get them medicine because they are disabled." With these painful words, Uncle Alaa expressed the extent of his suffering. He is at risk of losing his sight and urgently needs a vitreous surgery costing $1000,، مبلغ يعجز عن تأمينه لأنه بالكاد يوفر قوت يومه وأدوية أطفاله المعاقين. العم أبو علاء ليس وحده من يعاني، فأطفاله يعتمدون عليه كليًا، وفقدانه لبصره يعني حرمانهم من الأمان والرعاية. بدنا همتكم يا أصحاب القلوب الرحيمة لنحافظ على بصره ونخفف معاناته ونكون سببًا في جبر قلبه. كل تبرع، مهما كان بسيطًا، يساعد في إنقاذ عائلة بأكملها من العجز والحزن. Contribute now and bring hope to Uncle Alaa and his children's eyes. Your donation today is a life worth saving.

Child Karim's Battle with Chronic Psoriasis

The child Karam lives a daily struggle with chronic psoriasis, which causes him severe pain with every itch, even leading to skin bleeding. The pain does not stop there, as it extends to his family, who are unable to provide the necessary medications and ointments due to their difficult financial situation. Karam needs urgent treatment, and the cost of the medications and essential supplies amounts to... $500. This amount will alleviate much of his pain and give him a chance to live without suffering. Don't let him face the pain alone. We need your support, compassionate hearts. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a big difference in Karim's life. Contribute now and be the reason for easing his pain and restoring hope to his childhood.

Ziad Needs Your Urgent Support for a Joint Replacement Surgery

Brother Ziad was involved in a severe car accident that caused severe degeneration in his right hip joint,، مما جعله غير قادر على الحركة أو العمل لتأمين لقمة العيش لعائلته. حياته توقفت عند هذا الألم، وأسرته تقف عاجزة أمام ظروفها الصعبة. زياد بحاجة ماسة إلى عملية joint replacement surgery costing $800,an amount he cannot afford under any circumstances, but it represents a great hope for him to restore his life, mobility, and ability to work. We need your support and donations,kind-hearted people, to stand by Ziad in this hardship and be the reason for changing his life for the better. Every contribution, no matter how small, is a step toward his recovery and returning to his normal life. Contribute now and be part of this great goodness. Together, we heal their pain.

The Debts and the Urgent Eye Surgery of Uncle Abu Zakariya

The burden is heavy on Uncle Abu Zakariya's heart, a school teacher whose debts have overwhelmed him, and the doors of the world seem closed to him. On top of this, he faces the danger of losing his sight due to his urgent need for a vitreous surgery بقيمة 1000 دولار. العجز المادي يقف حائلًا بينه وبين العلاج، ومع كل لحظة تأخير تتزايد احتمالية فقدانه للبصر. أبو زكريا، الذي أفنى عمره في تعليم الأجيال، يقف اليوم محتاجًا لقلوب الرحمة التي تمد له يد العون. The story is now in your hands, and you've heard Uncle's words. Let’s work together to secure the cost of his treatment, preserve his eyesight, and be the reason for healing his heart, with God's permission. Your donation is the light for his eyes and hope for his life. Do not hesitate to contribute.

Sidra's Struggle with Multiple Health Issues

"I discharged her from the hospital because I don't have the money to treat her." These heartbreaking words were spoken by the father of the little girl Sidra, who stands helpless before his daughter’s illness due to their dire financial situation. Sidra suffers from muscular dystrophy, along with blood, heart, and brain problems, and her condition requires urgent treatment with 8 doses of albumin, with a total cost of $650. Her father, who works as a daily laborer, does not have a single dollar to cover the treatment costs, but he hopes, with hearts full of mercy, that a helping hand will extend to save his daughter. We need your support to alleviate her suffering and give her a chance for treatment and recovery, with God's will. Every donation, no matter how small, brings Sidra one step closer to life and health. Be the reason for her healing, with God's will, and join us in saving a little girl fighting for her life.