Emergency campaigns

Emergency campaigns

Humanitarian cases include individuals and families who suffer the most, facing extreme poverty, food insecurity, or urgent medical needs, requiring an immediate response to alleviate their suffering and enhance human dignity.

For the Detainees

"Because they are not just numbers... but souls that deserve life and hope." After years of oppression and suffering behind prison walls, the detainees emerge carrying their wounds and pains, known only to God. Some do not know where to start again, while others have no place to call home or means to reconnect with their loved ones who have longed for them. These survivors not only need material support but also a human touch that restores their sense of dignity and security. This is why we are launching the "For the Detainees" campaign, a humanitarian initiative aimed at:
  • Providing a safe shelter for them to start their lives anew.
  • Offering psychological and social support to rehabilitate them after all they have endured.
  • Striving to reunite them with their families spread across various Syrian governorates.
We believe that everyone has the right to a dignified life, and through our contributions, we can make a real difference in the lives of these resilient heroes. Join us and contribute to giving them a chance for a new beginning filled with hope and dignity. Together, we can make "For the Detainees" a humanitarian message written with our actions, shaping a better future for them.

Emergency Medical Cases

"Saving lives... the greatest gift." There are many humanitarian cases that require urgent emergency treatment to save lives. Due to difficult financial conditions, these patients are unable to obtain the necessary treatment, putting them at risk of losing their lives or continuing to suffer from pain and illness. Extending a helping hand to save a soul from destruction, or to alleviate the suffering of a patient who has been living under the burden of pain, is, in itself, a great act and a significant reward. It is an opportunity for you to be the reason for reviving lives and restoring hope to those who have lost it. Your donations today are not just assistance; they are a lasting charity whose effects will extend in both this world and the Hereafter. Every contribution, no matter how small, helps save a life and achieve a noble humanitarian accomplishment. Join us and be part of this great work, which carries mercy and an unending reward. Every soul you save today is a mark of goodness written into your life and after your passing.

Eye Disease Treatment

"Vision is life... don't let it fade." Vision is a great blessing granted to us by God, but it is at risk of being lost for many people who cannot afford the costs of treating their eye diseases due to difficult financial circumstances. It is painful that money stands as an obstacle to saving someone's sight, turning blindness into an inevitable fate that follows them throughout their life, with no power to change this reality. Your donations today are not just financial assistance; they are a new hope that restores light to eyes extinguished by poverty. Every amount you contribute, no matter how small, can make a huge difference and be the reason for restoring sight to those who need it. Join us in this noble humanitarian work and be the reason for reviving eyes and bringing life to those on the brink of losing their greatest blessing. Your donation today is light in their world and a great reward in your Hereafter.

Newborn Emergency System

"A life-saving system that plants hope." This system provides a vital service to save the lives of hundreds of premature babies who need precise healthcare, ensuring their safe transport between hospitals with the best medical methods. It is not just a medical service, but a lifeline for children in their weakest states. For the families of these children, seeing this system ensure the safety of their babies provides them with comfort and peace during the most difficult times. However, the suspension of this service today places the lives of many babies at risk, potentially leading to a decline in their health or even loss of life. Your donations are the key to continuing this great humanitarian work. Every breath for a child is a new life you contribute to, and every support you offer is a great reward that will be written for you. Do not let this opportunity pass without being the reason for saving a child's life. Join us in preserving this system that represents life and hope for families and children who have no power to help themselves.

Emergency Response for the Displaced

“Sheltering families… is a safety from bombing and displacement.” Thousands of families live in constant danger, threatened by bombing, displacement, or losing everything they own in an instant. With the harsh cold of winter, sheltering these families, which include the elderly, fathers, mothers, and even infants, becomes a humanitarian responsibility incumbent upon everyone who can help. Be part of this humanitarian effort and contribute to their protection and shelter. Offering safety to fragile souls is the greatest gift we can give in these difficult circumstances.

Orphan Sponsorship

It is a great call to support those who have lost their parents and were deprived of the affection that every child needs to grow up happy. These orphans live in difficult circumstances, without the minimum necessities of life that guarantee them the childhood they deserve. Many of them need medicine, clothes, and basic needs that their families cannot provide due to difficult financial conditions. Today, you have the opportunity to change their reality and give them a decent life that will make their little hearts happy. Do not waste this great reward, and do not miss the opportunity to accompany the Prophet ﷺ in Paradise. Donate what you can, as sponsorship for one orphan is only $50 per month. Join us in putting a smile on their faces and making their lives warmer and safer.

Heating Campaign

Providing heating materials for our people in the camps who are living in very harsh humanitarian conditions with the onset of the cold winter and severe weather depressions accompanied by snow and frost. The suffering in these camps is compounded by the severe cold, and the worn-out tents do not provide any real protection. We are striving to provide heating materials for more than fifty camps, to ensure that they have warmth and safety until the end of winter. You can be part of this noble humanitarian work by donating any amount you can. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a big difference in the lives of these people, and will be a reason to alleviate their suffering and give them a chance to feel warm in these harsh conditions. Bizimle birlikte, onların sıcaklığı olun ve kalplerine umut ve merhamet ekleyin.

Well Digging

“Water… saves lives and plants hopes.” As the number of camps increases, basic resources, the most important of which is water, are decreasing. Thousands of families live under constant threat of thirst, with some forced to walk miles to fetch water, making their daily lives full of suffering and hardship. Drilling wells in camps does not only mean providing clean drinking water, but also reviving new hope for thousands and securing their basic needs of water for drinking, cooking and cleaning. It is a project that changes a difficult reality and gives camp residents the opportunity for a more stable and dignified life. Your donations to drill wells are an ongoing charity whose effects extend for generations, and its reward is great with Allah. Water is the source of life, and giving this source to those who need it most brings joy to their hearts and relieves them of the burden of suffering. Be the reason for saving lives and join us in this noble humanitarian work. Remember Allah’s words: {And whoever gives it life, it is as if they gave life to all of mankind.}