Sacrifice Campaign

Sacrifice Campaign
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Sacrifice Campaign

Sacrifice Campaign

The Sacrifice Campaign aims to provide fresh meat to needy families living in difficult conditions who cannot afford this essential food source. With the increasing poverty and deteriorating living conditions, meat has become a luxury for many. This campaign seeks to provide it as part of improving the nutrition of these families.

Through the sacrifice of animals, we distribute meat portions to deserving families, giving priority to those most in need, including widows, orphans, and the displaced in camps.

Your donation to the Sacrifice Campaign is an opportunity to feed needy families with fresh meat and bring joy to their hearts during times filled with hardship. Join us in achieving this noble goal and be part of a humanitarian effort that plants hope and life in the hearts of those who are in dire need.

شارك الحملة على وسائل التواصل

You can donate within Turkey via bank transfer in Turkish lira. After completing the donation, please send the campaign name or a screenshot to the contact number provided at the bottom of the website.

Bank Name

Ziraat Bank

Account Name

Acil Müdahele Ekibi Derneği

IBAN Number

TR07 0020 90000 108 4620 0000 01

للتبرع عبر شام كاش

معرّف الحساب
