The Debts and the Urgent Eye Surgery of Uncle Abu Zakariya

The Debts and the Urgent Eye Surgery of Uncle Abu Zakariya
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The Debts and the Urgent Eye Surgery of Uncle Abu Zakariya

The Debts and the Urgent Eye Surgery of Uncle Abu Zakariya

The burden is heavy on Uncle Abu Zakariya's heart, a school teacher whose debts have overwhelmed him, and the doors of the world seem closed to him. On top of this, he faces the danger of losing his sight due to his urgent need for a vitreous surgery costing $1000.

Financial hardship stands as a barrier between him and the treatment, and with every passing moment, the possibility of losing his sight increases. Abu Zakariya, who has devoted his life to educating generations, now stands in need of compassionate hearts to extend a helping hand.

The story is now in your hands, and you've heard Uncle's words. Let’s work together to secure the cost of his treatment, preserve his eyesight, and be the reason for healing his heart, with God's permission.

Your donation is the light for his eyes and hope for his life. Do not hesitate to contribute.

شارك الحملة على وسائل التواصل

You can donate within Turkey via bank transfer in Turkish lira. After completing the donation, please send the campaign name or a screenshot to the contact number provided at the bottom of the website.

Bank Name

Ziraat Bank

Account Name

Acil Müdahele Ekibi Derneği

IBAN Number

TR07 0020 90000 108 4620 0000 01

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