Category: البرامج

Showing 17–32 of 32 results

  • Merciful among themselves 1 village

    Merciful among themselves 1 village is a housing project that includes 22 residential units, located in the countryside of Idlib, on the Syrian-Turkish border. This village was established to provide stable and secure shelter for displaced and needy families who are suffering from harsh humanitarian and living conditions. The village aims to protect families from the harshness of life in tents and the open air, providing a living environment that ensures their safety and stability, while alleviating the suffering of displacement. Your contribution to this project opens doors of hope for 22 families, restoring their dignity and stability. Contribute to building a better future for these needy families and be part of this great goodness.
  • Merciful among themselves 2 village

    Merciful among themselves 2 village is a housing project that includes 178 residential units, located in the countryside of Idlib, on the Syrian-Turkish border. The village aims to provide safe and stable housing for displaced and homeless families suffering from difficult living conditions due to displacement and wars. The village offers a living environment that protects families from the harsh weather conditions and gives them a sense of security and stability. It is a step toward improving their quality of life and giving them the opportunity to build a better future away from the suffering of tents and temporary shelters. Your support for this project makes a significant difference in the lives of these families, providing them with the security they have lost. Join us in providing a dignified life and stability for those in desperate need.
  • Lavender Village

    Lavender Village consists of 28 residential units and is located in the countryside of Idlib, on the Syrian-Turkish border. This village was created to provide a safe and stable shelter for displaced and needy families who have lost their homes due to displacement and destruction. The village aims to secure a dignified life for these families by providing residential units that protect them from the winter cold and summer heat, granting them safety and privacy in a stable environment. Your contribution to this project means supporting families in dire need of shelter that protects them and restores hope for a better life. Be part of this noble humanitarian work and contribute to building a more stable future for these families.
  • Orphan Winter Clothing

    “كسوة الشتاء… دفء وفرحة لأطفالنا الأيتام.” قال رسول الله ﷺ: “أيُّما مُسلِمٍ كَسا مُسلِمًا ثَوبًا على عُريٍ كَساه اللهُ من خُضْرِ الجَنَّةِ”. إنها دعوة عظيمة لمنح الدفء والفرحة لمن هم في أمس الحاجة. أطفالنا الأيتام في المخيمات يواجهون برد الشتاء القاسي بقلوب صابرة وأجساد ضعيفة، ينتظرون لحظة دافئة تمنحهم الأمل. كسوة الشتاء بالنسبة لهم ليست مجرد ملابس، بل هي حلم صغير يحمل دفئًا وفرحًا يغير حياتهم، ولو لبرهة. هذه هي فرصتكم العظيمة لتكونوا سببًا في إسعادهم، ولتزرعوا البسمة في وجوههم البريئة. بثمن بسيط، جاكيت شتوي بـ 10 دولارات فقط، يمكنكم أن تمنحوا طفلاً الدفء والفرحة التي يستحقها. Do not hesitate to participate in this noble humanitarian work, for every piece of clothing you provide for a child will bring you great rewards in this world and the Hereafter. Contribute now, and be part of their happiness and warmth.
  • Orphan Sponsorship

    It is a great call to support those who have lost their parents and were deprived of the affection that every child needs to grow up happy. These orphans live in difficult circumstances, without the minimum necessities of life that guarantee them the childhood they deserve. Many of them need medicine, clothes, and basic needs that their families cannot provide due to difficult financial conditions. Today, you have the opportunity to change their reality and give them a decent life that will make their little hearts happy. Do not waste this great reward, and do not miss the opportunity to accompany the Prophet ﷺ in Paradise. Donate what you can, as sponsorship for one orphan is only $50 per month. Join us in putting a smile on their faces and making their lives warmer and safer.
  • Medical Case Sponsorship

    "Sponsoring a medical case... Saving lives and creating hope." There are many medical cases that require long-term treatment, in addition to emergency cases that need immediate intervention to save patients' lives. However, financial hardships stand as an obstacle to accessing the necessary care, putting them at risk of losing their lives or continuing to suffer in pain. Sponsoring a medical case means more than just financial assistance; it is a new hope and an opportunity for a patient who has lived for years with illness and pain to recover. It is a great achievement that plants mercy in hearts and lightens the burdens of humanity. Your donation, no matter how small, can make a huge difference in a patient's life. Even with just one dollar, you become a partner in healing someone and making a profound impact that extends to your life and the Hereafter. Contribute now and be the reason for saving lives and healing wounds. Your donation today is an everlasting reward and mercy.
  • Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq School

    Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq School is an educational institution that hosts 186 students, most of whom are orphans, and covers the primary school level in the countryside of Idlib, on the Syrian-Turkish border. The school works to provide high-quality basic education, with a focus on meeting the psychological and educational needs of the most vulnerable children. The school seeks to build an educational environment that promotes values and instills in students a love for knowledge and creativity, so they can be the foundation of a generation that contributes to building their community. Your support for this school means offering a real opportunity for orphaned children to achieve their dreams and begin a dignified life. Be a part of sustaining this noble educational project.
  • Shelter Project

    Thousands of families are living without shelter or in dire conditions, inside tattered tents or in the open air, due to their inability to pay rents or because they reside in damaged homes at risk of collapsing due to the recent earthquake. These families face the winter cold and summer heat without the basic essentials for a dignified life. The Housing Project aims to move these families to safe housing units and residential blocks that provide them with stability and dignity. It is a real opportunity to change their harsh reality and offer them a peaceful life, away from poverty and oppression. Be a partner in this campaign and contribute any amount you can. Your donation will make a huge difference in the life of a family desperately in need of shelter. Together, we create hope and provide a better life for those who have lost everything.
  • Heart Healing Project

    The Heart Healing Project is a humanitarian initiative aimed at helping families and individuals suffering from difficult living conditions, working to alleviate their suffering and extend a helping hand during times of need. The project seeks to bring joy to the hearts of the needy by providing both material and emotional support to ease their burdens. The project includes:
    • Providing food assistance to poor families.
    • Settling debts for those who are unable to pay.
    • Supporting orphans and widows with basic life necessities.
    • Providing medical assistance to those in need of treatment.
    The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Whoever alleviates the hardship of a believer in this world, Allah will alleviate his hardship on the Day of Judgment.” Join us in the Heart Healing Project, and be the reason for easing pain and putting a smile on the faces of the needy. Your donation today is a great reward and an endless mercy.
  • Debt Repayment Project

    Illness, poverty, and displacement are heavy burdens that are enough to break the hearts of thousands of families. On top of that, come the debts, which have become a nightmare that haunts them in their daily lives, as they struggle just to secure a living. These debts weigh them down, causing them to live in a cycle of anxiety and worries. The Debt Settlement Project is a wonderful opportunity to lift the spirits of these families, relieve their distress, and transform their lives from suffering to hope. It is a project aimed at removing the burden of debts from poor and needy families, so they can live a more stable and dignified life. Be the reason for bringing joy to their hearts and join us in this noble humanitarian work. And remember the Prophet's ﷺ saying: “Whoever eases the hardship of a debtor, Allah will ease his hardship in this world and the Hereafter.” Contribute now and open the doors of relief for those who have been closed by poverty and debt. Your donation today is a mercy that extends in this world and the Hereafter.
  • Water Supply Project

    The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: "The best charity is giving water." Water is the lifeblood, but its scarcity in many camps turns life into a daily struggle, as displaced families suffer from the threat of thirst and its physical and psychological effects. The Water Provision Project aims to alleviate the suffering of families within the camps by:
    • Filling water tanks to provide clean water for drinking and daily use.
    • Contributing to digging wells to secure a permanent source of clean water.
    This campaign is one of the greatest projects that helps alleviate the suffering of thousands of families, allowing them to live with dignity, free from the threat of thirst. Be the reason for providing water to the camps and contribute to giving life to those in urgent need. Your donation is a mercy that extends in this world and an everlasting reward in the hereafter.
  • Passerby Project

    The Passing Traveler Project is a humanitarian initiative aimed at providing immediate support to displaced families who were forced to leave their homes and move to other areas in search of safety. These families suffer from difficult conditions, lacking basic needs and facing significant challenges as they start their new lives. The project provides:
    • Food and clean water.
    • Emergency shelter supplies.
    • Financial aid to alleviate their suffering during the initial days of displacement.
    • Medical services and other essential needs.
    Allah (SWT) says: “And they give food, despite their love for it, to the poor, the orphan, and the captive” (Al-Insan: 8). Join us in the Passerby Project and be a support to these families in their most challenging moments. Your donation is a message of hope and mercy to those who have lost everything.
  • Orphan Stationery Project

    التعليم هو حق أساسي لكل طفل، لكنه أصبح حلمًا بعيد المنال لآلاف الأيتام الذين يواجهون صعوبات كبيرة في توفير مستلزمات الدراسة الأساسية. الكثير منهم يذهب إلى المدرسة بلا قرطاسية، مما يعيق تعليمهم ويضعف فرصهم في بناء مستقبل أفضل. حملة توفير القرطاسية تهدف إلى دعم تعليم الأيتام من خلال تأمين الأدوات الدراسية والقرطاسية التي يحتاجونها. إنها ليست مجرد أدوات، بل أمل يُزرع في قلوبهم وفرصة لبناء جيل قوي ومتعلم. تكلفة القرطاسية الواحدة 10 دولارات فقط، ومساهمتكم ستحدث فرقًا كبيرًا في حياة هؤلاء الأطفال. Join us in bringing smiles to their faces and supporting their education, so they can be part of building a bright future. Your donation today is an investment in hope and humanity.
  • Student Sponsorship Project

    العلم هو النور الذي يبني الأوطان، والقوة التي تصنع مستقبلًا مشرقًا، والشباب هم الركيزة الأساسية لهذه الأمة. مع ذلك، يواجه الكثير من الطلاب خطر ترك دراستهم بسبب قلة المال وعجزهم عن دفع التكاليف والأقساط الدراسية. حملة كفالة طالب علم تسعى لدعم هؤلاء الطلاب ومساعدتهم على إكمال مسيرتهم الدراسية، ليصبحوا يومًا ما أطباء يعالجون مرضانا، أو مهندسين يبنون وطننا، أو معلمين يغرسون العلم والقيم في أجيالنا القادمة. تبرعك لهذه الحملة ليس مجرد عطاء، بل هو استثمار في بناء الإنسان وتعليمه، وهو أجر ممتد لك في الدنيا والآخرة. Do not miss this great opportunity to be a reason for building a bright future for an ambitious young person. Join us in creating hope and change.
  • Umm Al-Qura Institute for Sharia Sciences

    Umm Al-Qura Institute is a pioneering educational institution that hosts 400 students at various educational levels, specializing in Islamic studies and Quran memorization. The institute is located in the countryside of Idlib, on the Syrian-Turkish border, and serves as a scientific beacon aiming to prepare a generation that is conscious and committed to Islamic values. The institute seeks to provide an educational environment that blends Islamic sciences with the teaching of the Quran, while focusing on building the student’s character and honing their skills to serve their faith and community. Your support for this institute is an investment in Sharia knowledge and the spread of goodness, preparing generations that take pride in their religion and work to propagate it. Join us in supporting Umm Al-Qura Institute to help it continue fulfilling its noble mission.
  • Newborn Emergency System

    "A life-saving system that plants hope." This system provides a vital service to save the lives of hundreds of premature babies who need precise healthcare, ensuring their safe transport between hospitals with the best medical methods. It is not just a medical service, but a lifeline for children in their weakest states. For the families of these children, seeing this system ensure the safety of their babies provides them with comfort and peace during the most difficult times. However, the suspension of this service today places the lives of many babies at risk, potentially leading to a decline in their health or even loss of life. Your donations are the key to continuing this great humanitarian work. Every breath for a child is a new life you contribute to, and every support you offer is a great reward that will be written for you. Do not let this opportunity pass without being the reason for saving a child's life. Join us in preserving this system that represents life and hope for families and children who have no power to help themselves.