Category: البرامج

Showing 1–16 of 32 results

  • Al-Omariyah School 1

    Al-Omariyah School 1 is an educational institution that hosts 312 students, most of whom are orphans. The school provides education for both primary and preparatory stages in the countryside of Idlib, on the Syrian-Turkish border, focusing on providing a safe and supportive learning environment for the most vulnerable children. Al-Omariyah School 1 works on academically and psychologically preparing students, with a keen focus on caring for orphans and providing educational opportunities that represent a window of hope and a dignified life for them. With your support, we can ensure the continued education of these children and help them build a better future. Contribute to supporting Al-Omariyah School 1 and be part of the educational journey and the creation of new hope for orphans.
  • Al-Omariyah School 2

    Al-Omariyah School 2 is an educational institution that hosts 680 students and covers both primary and preparatory stages. The school is located in the countryside of Idlib, on the Syrian-Turkish border, and works to provide basic education to children in difficult humanitarian and living conditions. Al-Omariyah School 2 aims to provide high-quality and comprehensive education that meets the needs of students, focusing on building their character and developing their skills to make them active members of their communities. Your support for this school contributes to the continued education of hundreds of children, giving them the opportunity to build a bright and prosperous future. Join us in supporting education and be part of creating hope.
  • Orphan School Construction

    "Building a school... building a future." Establishing a school means more than just constructing a building; it is the creation of an educational institution that carries a noble message aimed at educating hundreds of children, developing their minds, and instilling the right values in their hearts. It is a step toward guiding future generations along the right path, toward beneficial knowledge, sound beliefs, and good morals. Education is not just an option, but a duty and obligation for all of us, and it is the greatest means of spreading light and knowledge and establishing the noble principles upon which societies are built. We invite you to participate in this great work and earn rewards by helping to build a school that will serve as ongoing charity for you during your life and after your passing. Every letter learned by a child in this school will be added to your account of good deeds. Do not miss this opportunity, O people of goodness. Join us in building an institution that reflects the noble values of Islam and serves as a beacon for future generations.
  • Vitreous Cutting Device

    "A light that dispels the darkness of blindness." Vision is life in every sense of the word, but it has become threatened with loss for many people who stand on the brink of blindness due to the lack of money and the unavailability of necessary medical equipment for vital surgeries. The Vitreous Cutting Device, designed for treating retinal diseases and eye bleeding, represents a lifeline and a new hope for those suffering from these problems. It is a life-saving project aimed at restoring sight to thousands of people threatened by blindness, representing a step towards preserving the invaluable blessing of sight. With your support and contributions, we can secure the cost of this device and make it available to those in urgent need. Your donation is not just a lasting charity, but also the reason for restoring sight and saving the lives of people who have lost hope. Contribute now, and be part of this great humanitarian project. Together, we can bring new light into the lives of those on the edge of darkness.
  • Heating Campaign

    Providing heating materials for our people in the camps who are living in very harsh humanitarian conditions with the onset of the cold winter and severe weather depressions accompanied by snow and frost. The suffering in these camps is compounded by the severe cold, and the worn-out tents do not provide any real protection. We are striving to provide heating materials for more than fifty camps, to ensure that they have warmth and safety until the end of winter. You can be part of this noble humanitarian work by donating any amount you can. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a big difference in the lives of these people, and will be a reason to alleviate their suffering and give them a chance to feel warm in these harsh conditions. Bizimle birlikte, onların sıcaklığı olun ve kalplerine umut ve merhamet ekleyin.
  • Bread Campaign

    “رغيف خبز… حياة تُنقذ وقلوب تُفرح.” هل يعقل أن هناك عوائل تنام جائعة، لا تملك حتى ثمن خبز تسد به رمقها؟ نعم، للأسف هناك عوائل تعيش هذا الواقع المرير، حيث يعجزون عن توفير أبسط احتياجاتهم الغذائية بسبب سوء أوضاعهم المادية، في حين أن الخبز يُعتبر المادة الأساسية التي لا غنى عنها لكل أسرة. توزيع الخبز بشكل مجاني على كل خيمة وكل عائلة محتاجة ليس مجرد مساعدة مادية، بل هو رفع حمل ثقيل عن كاهلهم وإنجاز إنساني يجبر خواطرهم ويرسم البسمة على وجوههم في أوقات تعج بالمآسي. هذه فرصتك الذهبية لتكون عونًا لهم، وتساهم في تخفيف معاناتهم. تبرع بأي مبلغ تستطيع تقديمه، مهما كان صغيرًا، لأن كل رغيف خبز قد يعني الكثير لعائلة جائعة. Lift their spirits and be the reason for bringing happiness to hearts suffering from poverty and hunger. Your donation today is a great reward and an ongoing mercy.
  • Sacrifice Campaign

    تهدف حملة الذبائح إلى توفير اللحوم الطازجة للأسر المحتاجة التي تعيش في ظروف صعبة ولا تستطيع تأمين هذا المصدر الغذائي الضروري. مع تزايد الفقر وتدهور الأوضاع المعيشية، أصبحت اللحوم من الكماليات بالنسبة للكثيرين، وهذه الحملة تسعى لتوفيرها كجزء من تحسين مستوى التغذية لهذه الأسر. من خلال ذبح الأضاحي أو الذبائح المخصصة، نقوم بتوزيع حصص اللحوم على العائلات المستحقة، مع مراعاة الأولوية للعائلات الأكثر احتياجًا، بما في ذلك الأرامل، الأيتام، والمشردين في المخيمات. Your donation to the Sacrifice Campaign is an opportunity to feed needy families with fresh meat and bring joy to their hearts during times filled with hardship. Join us in achieving this noble goal and be part of a humanitarian effort that plants hope and life in the hearts of those who are in dire need.
  • Food Basket Campaign

    تستهدف حملة السلال الغذائية تقديم الدعم الإنساني العاجل للأسر المحتاجة التي تعاني من ظروف معيشية قاسية. تشمل هذه السلال المواد الغذائية الأساسية التي تحتاجها العائلات لتأمين احتياجاتها اليومية من طعام صحي ومغذٍ. في ظل الأوضاع الاقتصادية المتدهورة، أصبحت العديد من الأسر عاجزة عن توفير قوت يومها. هذه الحملة تسعى إلى سد رمق الجوعى وتخفيف معاناة الفقر عن كاهلهم، خاصة في المناطق التي تفتقر إلى الموارد الأساسية. Your donation to the Food Basket Campaign could be the reason a family gets fed and joy is brought to their hearts. Join us in delivering goodness to those who need it and be part of this humanitarian effort that seeks to ease the suffering of the most vulnerable.
  • Vow Campaign

    The Vows Campaign aims to fulfill the intentions of goodness by fulfilling vows and directing them to support the needy and poor families. This is done by allocating the vows for distributing food, whether meat or complete meals, to the most needy groups, such as orphans, widows, and displaced people in the camps. A vow is not just a commitment between the servant and his Lord, but an opportunity to do good and extend a helping hand to those in dire need. This campaign combines fulfilling the good intentions of donors and alleviating the suffering of the poor, making its impact multiplied in both this world and the Hereafter. Participate in the Vow Campaign and be the reason for feeding the hungry and bringing joy to their hearts, achieving both the reward of fulfilling the vow and the reward of charity at the same time.
  • Ramadan Goodness Campaign

    The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever provides Iftar for a fasting person will have a reward like theirs, without decreasing the fasting person’s reward in the slightest.” In this blessed month of mercy and generosity, we launch Ramadan Goodness Campaign 7 to provide food baskets that can sustain a needy family for a full month at a cost of $60, in addition to offering a daily Iftar meal for fasting individuals at $4. Join us in bringing joy to the tents of those in need, for a little from you means a lot to them. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “The most beloved people to Allah are those who are most beneficial to others.” With your charity, you plant goodness and reap blessings in this life and the Hereafter! Share the reward and be a reason for relieving a Muslim’s hardship.
  • Zakat Campaign

    Zakat al-Mal is not just a duty, but a fundamental pillar of Islam and a path to achieving social justice and solidarity among members of society. Through the Zakat al-Mal campaign, we aim to collect zakat and direct it to the most needy groups, such as orphans, widows, displaced people, and the sick, to alleviate their suffering and meet their basic needs. Your donation of Zakat al-Mal through this campaign contributes to:
    • Providing food and medicine to poor families.
    • Supporting the education of orphans and those in need.
    • Helping the sick access necessary treatment.
    • Sheltering displaced people and ensuring a dignified life for them.
    Allah (SWT) says: “Take from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them to grow” (At-Tawbah: 103). Be part of this great goodness, purify your wealth, and contribute to bringing a smile to the faces of those in need. Together, we achieve solidarity and spread mercy.
  • Premature and Newborn Cases Support

    Premature and newborn babies face significant risks due to the lack of vacancies in intensive care units in public hospitals, caused by high demand and limited resources. These infants, who require specialized incubators to save their lives, are at risk of death if the necessary care is not provided in a timely manner. While incubators are available in private hospitals, the high cost of care and the financial limitations of parents make securing this care almost impossible. Therefore, we work to cover the cost of incubators in private hospitals to protect their lives and give them a chance to grow and survive. Every contribution you make helps save the life of a small child fighting for survival. Your donation is a new life given to a child and an entire family. Contribute now to be part of this noble humanitarian work and be the reason for saving the small lives that need us desperately.
  • Chronic Disease Patients Support

    "Supporting chronic patients... Hope for a better life." This humanitarian project provides necessary support for patients suffering from chronic diseases that require long-term treatments, such as glandular, rheumatic, autoimmune, and neurological diseases, including patients with multiple sclerosis. These patients need continuous medication and treatments to maintain the stability of their health and progress toward recovery. However, the high cost of treatment and the difficulty of bearing expenses make their lives filled with challenges and health risks. Providing treatment for these patients is not just assistance, but an urgent necessity to save their lives and offer them a chance to recover and live with dignity. Join us in offering hope and treatment, and be part of this great humanitarian effort. Your donation today is a new life and a chance for those who are helpless and powerless.
  • Cancer Patients Support

    The project involves supporting cancer patients by securing the necessary immunotherapy and chemotherapy doses for their treatment, in addition to covering the costs of required medical investigations to monitor their conditions, such as X-rays and laboratory tests. In northwest Syria, hundreds of patients face significant challenges in obtaining appropriate treatment due to limited financial resources and high treatment costs. This situation puts their lives in continuous danger and exacerbates their suffering. Contributing to this project gives these patients a chance to continue treatment and save their lives. Your support means a lot in these difficult circumstances, and every contribution helps alleviate their suffering and extend a helping hand to them.
  • Surgical Patients Support

    "Saving lives through emergency surgeries." This humanitarian project aims to secure the cost of surgical operations for poor patients who suffer from difficult economic conditions. These surgeries are not available in the public sector, and their cost in private hospitals is exorbitant and beyond their reach. We focus on urgent life-threatening surgeries for diseases that could lead to death if treatment is delayed or if resources are inadequate. Unfortunately, many patients face the risk of death due to their inability to cover the necessary treatment costs. Your donations to this project are a hope for saving the lives of helpless individuals and achieving a great accomplishment in restoring hope to them and their families. Every amount you contribute directly helps save a life and alleviates suffering. Join us in this noble work and be the reason for saving lives and reducing pain. Every life you save is a great reward and a lasting charity whose effects will endure forever.
  • The Sent Breeze Village

    The Sent Breeze Village is a housing project consisting of 30 residential units, located in the countryside of Idlib, on the Syrian-Turkish border. The village aims to provide safe and stable housing for displaced and needy families suffering from harsh living conditions due to displacement and destruction. These residential units offer a living environment that protects families from the winter cold and summer heat, ensuring them a dignified life away from the hardships of the open air and temporary tents. With your support, we can bring stability to these families and give them the opportunity to live with dignity. Contribute to this project and be part of changing the lives of those who are in desperate need of safety and stability.