Category: الحملات والاستجابة العاجلة

Showing all 6 results

  • Heating Campaign

    Providing heating materials for our people in the camps who are living in very harsh humanitarian conditions with the onset of the cold winter and severe weather depressions accompanied by snow and frost. The suffering in these camps is compounded by the severe cold, and the worn-out tents do not provide any real protection. We are striving to provide heating materials for more than fifty camps, to ensure that they have warmth and safety until the end of winter. You can be part of this noble humanitarian work by donating any amount you can. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a big difference in the lives of these people, and will be a reason to alleviate their suffering and give them a chance to feel warm in these harsh conditions. Bizimle birlikte, onların sıcaklığı olun ve kalplerine umut ve merhamet ekleyin.
  • Zakat Campaign

    Zakat al-Mal is not just a duty, but a fundamental pillar of Islam and a path to achieving social justice and solidarity among members of society. Through the Zakat al-Mal campaign, we aim to collect zakat and direct it to the most needy groups, such as orphans, widows, displaced people, and the sick, to alleviate their suffering and meet their basic needs. Your donation of Zakat al-Mal through this campaign contributes to:
    • Providing food and medicine to poor families.
    • Supporting the education of orphans and those in need.
    • Helping the sick access necessary treatment.
    • Sheltering displaced people and ensuring a dignified life for them.
    Allah (SWT) says: “Take from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them to grow” (At-Tawbah: 103). Be part of this great goodness, purify your wealth, and contribute to bringing a smile to the faces of those in need. Together, we achieve solidarity and spread mercy.
  • Cancer Patients Support

    The project involves supporting cancer patients by securing the necessary immunotherapy and chemotherapy doses for their treatment, in addition to covering the costs of required medical investigations to monitor their conditions, such as X-rays and laboratory tests. In northwest Syria, hundreds of patients face significant challenges in obtaining appropriate treatment due to limited financial resources and high treatment costs. This situation puts their lives in continuous danger and exacerbates their suffering. Contributing to this project gives these patients a chance to continue treatment and save their lives. Your support means a lot in these difficult circumstances, and every contribution helps alleviate their suffering and extend a helping hand to them.
  • Orphan Winter Clothing

    “كسوة الشتاء… دفء وفرحة لأطفالنا الأيتام.” قال رسول الله ﷺ: “أيُّما مُسلِمٍ كَسا مُسلِمًا ثَوبًا على عُريٍ كَساه اللهُ من خُضْرِ الجَنَّةِ”. إنها دعوة عظيمة لمنح الدفء والفرحة لمن هم في أمس الحاجة. أطفالنا الأيتام في المخيمات يواجهون برد الشتاء القاسي بقلوب صابرة وأجساد ضعيفة، ينتظرون لحظة دافئة تمنحهم الأمل. كسوة الشتاء بالنسبة لهم ليست مجرد ملابس، بل هي حلم صغير يحمل دفئًا وفرحًا يغير حياتهم، ولو لبرهة. هذه هي فرصتكم العظيمة لتكونوا سببًا في إسعادهم، ولتزرعوا البسمة في وجوههم البريئة. بثمن بسيط، جاكيت شتوي بـ 10 دولارات فقط، يمكنكم أن تمنحوا طفلاً الدفء والفرحة التي يستحقها. Do not hesitate to participate in this noble humanitarian work, for every piece of clothing you provide for a child will bring you great rewards in this world and the Hereafter. Contribute now, and be part of their happiness and warmth.
  • Debt Repayment Project

    Illness, poverty, and displacement are heavy burdens that are enough to break the hearts of thousands of families. On top of that, come the debts, which have become a nightmare that haunts them in their daily lives, as they struggle just to secure a living. These debts weigh them down, causing them to live in a cycle of anxiety and worries. The Debt Settlement Project is a wonderful opportunity to lift the spirits of these families, relieve their distress, and transform their lives from suffering to hope. It is a project aimed at removing the burden of debts from poor and needy families, so they can live a more stable and dignified life. Be the reason for bringing joy to their hearts and join us in this noble humanitarian work. And remember the Prophet's ﷺ saying: “Whoever eases the hardship of a debtor, Allah will ease his hardship in this world and the Hereafter.” Contribute now and open the doors of relief for those who have been closed by poverty and debt. Your donation today is a mercy that extends in this world and the Hereafter.
  • Passerby Project

    The Passing Traveler Project is a humanitarian initiative aimed at providing immediate support to displaced families who were forced to leave their homes and move to other areas in search of safety. These families suffer from difficult conditions, lacking basic needs and facing significant challenges as they start their new lives. The project provides:
    • Food and clean water.
    • Emergency shelter supplies.
    • Financial aid to alleviate their suffering during the initial days of displacement.
    • Medical services and other essential needs.
    Allah (SWT) says: “And they give food, despite their love for it, to the poor, the orphan, and the captive” (Al-Insan: 8). Join us in the Passerby Project and be a support to these families in their most challenging moments. Your donation is a message of hope and mercy to those who have lost everything.