Orphan Stationery Project

Orphan Stationery Project
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Orphan Stationery Project

Orphan Stationery Project

Education is a basic right for every child, but it has become a distant dream for thousands of orphans who face significant challenges in securing the basic school supplies. Many of them go to school without stationery, which hinders their education and weakens their chances of building a better future.

The stationery provision campaign aims to support the education of orphans by providing the school supplies and stationery they need. These are not just tools; they are hope planted in their hearts and an opportunity to build a strong, educated generation.

The cost of one stationery set is only $10, and your contribution will make a significant difference in the lives of these children.

Join us in bringing smiles to their faces and supporting their education, so they can be part of building a bright future. Your donation today is an investment in hope and humanity.

شارك الحملة على وسائل التواصل

You can donate within Turkey via bank transfer in Turkish lira. After completing the donation, please send the campaign name or a screenshot to the contact number provided at the bottom of the website.

Bank Name

Ziraat Bank

Account Name

Acil Müdahele Ekibi Derneği

IBAN Number

TR07 0020 90000 108 4620 0000 01

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