
Education is a basic need in society





Total Amount


Beneficiaries Count

Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq School
Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq School

It includes 186 students, most of whom are orphans, and covers the primary stage in the Idlib countryside - Syrian-Turkish border. 

Al-Omari School 1
Al-Omari School 1

It includes 312 students, most of whom are orphans, and covers the primary and intermediate stages in the Idlib countryside - Syrian-Turkish border. 

Al-Omari School 2
Al-Omari School 2

It includes 680 students and covers the primary and intermediate stages in the Idlib countryside - Syrian-Turkish border. 

Umm Al-Qura Institute for Sharia Sciences
Umm Al-Qura Institute for Sharia Sciences

It includes 400 students at various levels and specializes in Sharia sciences and Quran memorization in the Idlib countryside - Syrian-Turkish border. 

Orphans School Construction Project
Orphans School Construction Project

Thousands of orphans are deprived of knowledge and education, standing on the brink of ignorance and backwardness without any help or support. We are striving to build a school that embraces this generation to become educated and successful, which is a great honor. We are in dire need of your support and donations, as every letter they learn will earn you rewards until the Day of Judgment. Contribute any amount and do not miss out on this opportunity for yourselves. 

Scholarship for Students Project
Scholarship for Students Project

Knowledge is light, strength, and protection, and youth are the elite of the nation. Many of them are on the verge of dropping out of school due to financial constraints and their inability to pay tuition fees. Through the Scholarship for Students Project, we aim to build their futures by helping them complete their studies to become doctors, engineers, or teachers who will educate our children one day. The amount you donate will benefit you as you contribute to building and educating individuals. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity for yourself. 

Orphans' Stationery Project
Orphans' Stationery Project

Education is our responsibility, and there are thousands of orphans without education due to their inability to afford school supplies and stationery. Most of them go to school with nothing. The campaign to provide stationery for a thousand orphaned children is our chance to support them, make them happy, and educate them to build a strong generation. Join us in supporting the orphans and their education. We are awaiting your donations and generosity for our orphaned children. The cost of one set of stationery is $10.